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Codie i love you papa!! April 24, 2010

You have been the greatest Grandpa I have ever met. We have had soo many good memories together and wish we still could but your in a way better place and that makes me even happier. I miss you papa so much. Every tear I cry means that I miss you right by my side telling me what is the right thing to do. I love hearing the story that when my mom was pregnant you were so happy that you were finally going to have a grandchild. You were so full of joy and couldn't wait until I was born and you could hold me in your arms. I miss it when at graduation you hugged me and told me that your little angel was growing up so fast and turning into a beautiful girl just like your mom. Whenever my mom or dad drove me over to your house you would always call me your little angel. I will NEVER regret holding your hand when you took your last breath. When you were gone half of my heart went with you. When I came to your visitation I looked into your beautiful casket, I looked at you and thought to myself that isn't the Grandpa I loved so much because you were gone. I will keep on moving forward and I will never forget you papa. I love you so much and always will!!!!!!!!  

Jody (Meetup) Thoughts & prayers for you April 24, 2010

Tim & family:

     I enjoyed learning more about your dad and seeing pics of him on this site.  It sounds like he was a wonderful man.  My thoughts and prayers are with you:)



Toni (Kull) Lutz Family memories April 24, 2010

Jo, Tim, Terry and Julie,


     The memories of Dutch and times we had together as a family will be cherished. I know he loved his grand-daughter Codie very much and I am so glad we came home for her to be apart of his life. I remember many happy times when papa held her and he was so proud of her when she was born. The stick of gum he always put in her cards. We will both miss him very much. Family stays together during this difficult time and time will heal us, but the memories we have of Dutch will never leave our hearts. I was very proud to be apart of Dutch's family. I will miss his smile and the joy he had talking with me when I visited. Rest in peace Dutch for I will miss you very much.

Kaylie My PaPa April 22, 2010

I will always love my papa. I will cherish every moment we ever spent together. It's impossible for me to ever forget such a great man like my papa was. I miss him very much and it's a tough time right now but our great memories keep me going. When we went in Sunday and told the Dr. pull all the plugs it was very upsettting but he's not suffering anymore. I held his hand those last 2 in a half hours of his life...down to his last breath. Though it was the hardest thing i ever did watching someone I love so much die, I'll never regret it because I know that if I was dyingI would want someone that i love to hold my hand and talk to me so that I knew it would be ok and I would see them up in heaven one day. I want so badly him to wake up and say, "I love you baby girl." like always but I know he's in a better place now. But that was close to to the last words he ever said to me. he said, "Hey baby." He could just barely, and I knew it was hard for him and I understand!


                                           I will love you always, You're baby girl, Kaylie

Andy Simmons Special Memories April 22, 2010
Jo, I'm so sorry to hear of Dutch's passing. You both were on the top of my list of favorite customers when I was at Steak N Shake.  You  are wonderful folks and I'm proud to have known you both.  I hope your wonderful memories of your life together will help you in this difficult time.  Bless you and your family.  Hugs.....Andy
Dee Great Memories April 22, 2010
   My thoughts and prayers are with you today.  I know its been 20 years or more since I'd seen Dutch, but the wonderful slideshow brought back a flood of memories of him for me.  How lucky for those of us who were blessed to know him. 

                                                                         Love and prayers,
Jay Remington A very special person April 20, 2010
My heart goes out to Aunt Jo and the kids today. I have a number of special memories of Uncle Bill. I don't think I have seen Aunt Jo and Uncle Bill since Tim's wedding in Texas years ago, but it seems like yesterday. My most special memories were those of my first trip back to Peoria in 1980. I had been there before in the early 70's when my dad passed, but was too young to remember any of it. So in essence, this was my "first" trip there meeting Aunt Jo and Uncle Bill. I was a shy and quiet 10 year old boy, and not very comfortable meeting all of my extended family. The one place I felt immediately at home and accepted was when I was at Uncle Bill's house. I'm sure it was the combination of the wonderful accent, the sense of humor, and the gentle teasing that pulled me out of my shyness. I warmed up to Aunt Jo and Uncle Bill from the moment I met them. And he loved to tell me about that big "wolf" in the sky. I had never heard of such a thing, but of course he was referring to Focke-Wulf airplanes. Now, imagine him telling that 10 year old boy about the big "Focke-Wulf" in the sky with his accent and how it sounded when he pronounced it. He did it intentionally to make me laugh and draw me out. It worked, in spades. Some very special memories of a wonderful man. Love, Jay, Melissa, Duncan, and Jack Remington
Lana Philpott Niece April 20, 2010

My dearest uncle, 


I remember receiving the letter back in '58 from aunt Jo announcing her marriage to you.  I cried with joy and happiness.  As I got to know you, I came to love your sense of humor, your ability to boldly debate anything and, most importantly, I cherished the fact that in spite of my faults, you loved me.  I love that you loved my aunt, your children, grandchildren, family and friends.  I was blessed to be in fluenced by your patriotism and love of the U.S.A..  I will miss our visits, most recently when David and I lived with aunt Dorothy and came to see you guys after church. Those were wonderful snippets of time that will be with me until I see you again!!




Your favorite Moron,   Lana Rae  

Randy Wolfe Sorry for your loss. April 20, 2010

Mrs. Ligtvoet, Tim, Terry and Julie


My condolences to you all on the passing of Dutch. I still have great memories growing up with you all and the good times we had at 1440 West Gift and Loucks School.


Randy Wolfe

Peoria, Ill

Todd and Julie Wonderful memories... April 19, 2010
Jo, Tim, Julie, and Terry,
When we found out about Bill's passing, we were flooded with heartfelt memories. Julie and I cannot forget what a huge and wonderful impact your family had on us as were kids. The slideshow that we just viewed is such a wonderful tribute to Bill and all of you. For me personally, I think my love for the Cubs, and my dislike for the Cardinals, began with Bill and Jo and watching the rivalary they shared! If it weren't for Bill and Jo, my parents would not have met! For that we are grateful. Lots of fun stories and times we shared when we were younger.....something we will hold in our hearts always. And on a final this can make a Taco like Jo!
                                                                                    Todd Finnegan
                                                                                    Julie Devine
Condoléances totales: 10
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